Local School Boards Are Being Replaced, Stripped of Power
Source Link for Article - Charter Truth Entire Article
Part 1
Dr. Shirley McCune, senior director of the federally funded Mid-Continent Regional Education Laboratory was involved in a planning workshop in Millard, Nebraska, July 21, 1983. She presented a plan for systematic change for our total society. One paper stated that we are moving from “party politics” to “policies of the radical center.” The radical right and the radical left appear to have met in mid-center on several issues: Goals 2000; School-to-Work; NAFTA and GATT.
The New American Schools Development Corporation’s radical design teams have been selected to “break the mold” away from basic-traditional education in order to train children for the global workforce. Privatizing education through Charter Schools allows these radical design teams, and other private entities such as The Edison Project, Educational Alternatives, Inc., and Disney World (Mickey Mouse Schools) to rob American citizens of their own tax-supported schools. This plan is being supported by both the right-wing and the left-wing political groups who appear to have met in the radical mid-center on education, social control and a global economy. Dr. Shirley McCune appears with former Secretary of Education Lamar Alexander at the Kansas Governor’s Summit on Education in 1989. She made the following statement: “…what we are into is a total restructuring of the society. What is happening in America today…is not simply a change4 situation and the usual winds of change. What it amounts to is a total transformation of our society…The whole ball game in this particular change society is that there are only two things that really matter. One of those is the information capital that we can put together…Secondly, to produce Human Capital…we have to prepare students not for today’s society, but for a society that’s 20, 30, 40, 50 years down the road…That’s called Social Change Function of schools.” Lamar Alexander (now United States Senator from Tennessee) on “The New American School,” said at the Kansas Governor’s Education Summit: “Such a school would probably start with babies and go through the eighth grade. It would be all year-long. It would be open 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Every child would have his or her own computer and work-station. Every child would have a team of teachers that would stay with that child until graduation. These schools would ‘serve children from age three months old to age 18′ and they would serve as a ‘one-stop shopping’ center for welfare services ranging from family planning, health care, and other social services. Legislation should ‘assure that all women have access to affordable, high quality parental care and that all infants and children have access to affordable, high quality comprehensive health care'”. The health care plan for children and families may be found in Beyond Rhetoric, “Final Report of the National Commission on Children” that was established by Public Law 100-203. This bipartisan body was composed of 34 members appointed by the President, the President pro tempore of the U. S. Senate, and the Speaker of the U. S. House of Representatives. The Chairman was Hon. John D. Rockefeller IV and some of the other members were: Hon. Bill Clinton, Mary Hattwood Futrell (former President of NEA), and Hon. Bill Honing (former Commissioner of Education for California), and others active in restructuring education. This Panel had several meetings and field activities around the country. Several of the participants are involved in NASDC’s radical design teams. One meeting titled “How Children Develop Values” list John H. Buchanan, Jr., Chairman, People for the American Way, and Phyllis Schlafly founder and President of Eagle Forum and others. One meeting titled Building a Productive Labor Force, lists Marc S. Tucker, President, National Center on Education and the Economy. (Carnegie Foundation etc.). Tucker has been one of the strongest advocates for restructuring education. (Ed. Note: He still is, and his Letter to Hillary Clinton was placed in the Congressional Record, and is posted on the web). Appendix F: Corporate Advisory Board Members lists several interesting people who have been actively involved in restructuring. Of particular interest are Steven J. Ross, Chairman and Co-Chief Executive Officer, Time Warner, Inc., who through The Edison Project, intends to run public schools for profit. (Ed. Note: The Edison Project was under the direction of Chester Finn, Jr., who is involved with the Fordham Foundation, the think-tank for the right wing political groups). The first plan for educational restructuring that I saw was a proposal by The National Council for Better Education-a project of National Conservative Foundation in 1983. This group proposed enterprise zones and defined the zones as a …”district independent of state and federal interference, regulations and control”. The Charter Schools bill in Arizona allows the Charter Schools to be legally autonomous if sponsored by the two state boards of education. With the U. S. Secretary of Education’s approval and other Federal Agencies, the schools are allowed to waive all Federal, State and Local laws, rules and regulations except …”civil rights, audit and student assessments, special education and insurance.” (Ed. Note: See Title 15 under Arizona Laws, posted on the web, under School Improvement Act). The National Council for Better Education proposed that Chicago Mastery Learning be used as the method and that the children be trained according to whatever the market demands …”whether that be liberal arts, fine arts, or vocational education.” They further proposed that: “Each zone will be funded from federal and state money given directly to the zone with no strings attached—sort of a mega-block grant)”. Some Charter Schools legislation has limited restrictions for local and community input (the same as the Federal: Goals 2000), but Arizona’s law does not address this issue. The Morrison Institute that is on one of NASDC’s design teams states: “Support needed from Teacher/Staff/Parents for School Conversion…not addressed in legislation”. They do have to have the local schools boards’ approval to establish a Charter School on public school property, but the State is busy looking for empty rooms and buildings to fulfill this endeavor. The second time I saw this proposal was by the Phoenix Futures Forum which later joined with the Urban League. Their paper is titled Strategies to Prepare Phoenix for the Year 2015, and is dated October, 1989. The third time I saw this proposal was from the Arizona Business Leadership for Education (ABLE) that formed a committee in June, 1990. Their proposal was titled Better Schools for Arizona. The next proposal was done by the Governor’s Task Force on Educational Reform which convened in May, 1991. The American 2000 proposal was supposed to have been developed when President Bush and the Governors met in Charlottesville, Virginia, September, 1989. After William Clinton became President the title was changed to Goals 2000. (Ed. Note: President George W Bush called it No Child Left Behind and President Obama calls his version Race to the Top most probably changed to make opposition think that the “thing” had gone away. This is what has happened with the method of “Mastery Learning” noted before; it changed to Direct Instruction, Outcome Based Education, Performance Based Education and now Core Standards etc., etc.). This proposal may also be found in literature published by the United Nations. The World Conference on Education for All was held in Jomtien, Thailand, March 5-9, 1990. On October 30 – November 1, 1991, in Alexandria, VA. The United States Coalition for Education for All met. The title for this meeting was Learning for All: Bridging Domestic and International Education. The purpose follows: “The U. S. Coalition for Education for All is part of a 156-nation network working to reform education worldwide. Barbara Bush was the Honorary Chair of this meeting and the Keynote Speakers were David Kearns—Deputy Secretary, U. S. Department of Education (former CEO Xerox Corporation and, Xerox is mentioned in one of the design teams); Al Shanker, President, American Federation of Teachers; Elena Lenskaya, Deputy Minister of Education, Republic of Russia; James Grant, Executive Director, UNICEF. This is a one-world plan. Every citizen will be tracked for conformity. The National Center for Education Statistics has a computer tracking system for public, home school, and private schools which tracks every family in the United States. While it gives lip-service to the Privacy Act of 1974, the exemptions are so broad almost anyone can access the records. (See related article). It is easy to track the resistors in a community with this instant retrieval system. (Ed. Note: A Student Data Handbook: Elementary, Secondary and Early Childhood Education, was published July, 1994, U. S. Department of Education; Office of Educational Research and Improvement, NSCES 94-303 also see the SpeedeExpress that has over 400 identifiers including birthmarks, eye color, baptismal name, nickname, etc. etc. etc.) The National Educational Goals Panel, an appointed political group, formed to track compliance to Goals 2000 and the School-to-Work program (i. e. report-cards) issued a Community Action Kit telling the proponents exactly how to manipulate and brainwash the citizens into compliance. While most of the “free-press” continues to propagandize and mislead the people about the intent of restructuring, a great newspaper reporter, Robert Holland with Richmond Times Dispatch continues to expose this one-world travesty to his readers. He sent Secretary of Education, Richard Riley a memo regarding the Community Action Kit. Holland quoted the kit as saying: “Only by changing the attitudes and behavior of community members will it be possible to reach the National Education Goals.”….isn’t such a government directed propaganda campaign unprecedented in America’s history?” Mr. Holland quotes some of the topics in the kit which tells how to identify “Allies and Opponents: avoid the term Outcome-Based Education; Choosing a Facilitator” all designed to lead to group-think or conformity. (Ed. Note: The tool used is known as the Delphi technique; the facilitator insures everyone in the group that a consensus has been reached, and none dare question the “group”. The opposition is silenced, if there is any, through lies, smears, labeled conspiracy kooks and you name it. I always advise citizens to never join a group with a facilitator. Several years ago, I attended an Arizona Senate Education hearing, and my district Senator chaired the meeting and in his opening statement said: “We are here to reach a consensus.” I sat in the front row and taped the hearing, and he said to me: “Ann, you are not taping this are you?” and I replied: “Yes, and taking good notes in case my battery runs out”. I was a precinct captain in our district and helped to get this man elected. Since when in a democratic society, do people have to reach a consensus? So, tape their hearing if you can get in; many appointed groups are closed to the public or the legislators shift the hearing around until one is unable to follow the time and place. Another old trick is to change or postpone the hearing at the last minute, or never call the opposition to testify, even if one signs up. In Arizona the Legislators have devised a sneaky way of slipping an opposed bill under the door. They “strike-all” from a worthless bill, and then attached the opposed legislation to it. Representative government and dishonesty becomes questionable under such tactics). Apparently the United States views the citizens as tools to be manipulated in order to implement the prearranged United Nations plan. Included in a packet of materials I received from a concerned citizen was a statement from Minnesota to Mr. Holland. It reads: “I am appalled that my government is running propaganda campaigns among the citizenry reminiscent of Chairman Mao’s many political campaigns in Communist China.” This comes as no surprise to the author who has been researching and following educational restructuring for twenty-five years. The Education for All “Today”, Issue 2, Jan. – March, 1993 in its Innovation Corner is titled “Overcoming Resistance and Facilitating Change: The NTL Institute’s Approach.” The National Training Laboratory Institute (NTL) was affiliated with the National Education Association (NEA) from 1947 to 1967. The purpose is stated in this newsletter as follows: “Dedicated to developing and applying scientific methods to behavior modification, the Institute facilitates productive change at the individual, social, organizational and macro-system levels.” The Institute has facilitated change with all elements of society throughout the world: clergy, business, labor, legislators, Governors, Congress, school administrators and teachers etc. Apparently, they have been successful with the masses. Only a few resistors remain, especially since the “conservative right-wing” political and religious leaders have convinced their membership that Choice and Charter Schools will eliminate NEA and government control of schools. This is a lie! One only has to read the Federal and States Educational Restructuring Plans for confirmation of this fact. Private and public schools including home schools will be chartered and controlled with government money. (Ed. Note: Vouchers are the carrot and stick being used for naïve private, religious and home schools across the USA. The citizens public schools are being taken over by private groups, foundations, foreign persons, and are being are run for profit one way or another, either through management companies, computer companies or nepotism). Local school boards are being replaced or stripped of power. Representative government is becoming obsolete. Appointed councils now are taking the place of elected representatives in all endeavors across the USA. “No Child Will Be Left Behind”. All children are to be trained for the global one-world planned workforce using the scientific method of behavioral psychology now attached to computer software. Citizen owned property is now being sold and some leased back. The current governor sold our State Capitol, House and Senate buildings to a private group. Unless we pay off the loan in twenty years, the private investment company will own the citizens property. We are now leasing this property back that was completely debt free. I could find nothing in our Constitution that allows this. The same people are working hard to privatize public schools). The radical right and the radical left have met in mid-center on restructuring education along with NAFTA, The Crime Bill, and last but not least we can expect to see the finalization of the plan through GATT (World Trade Organization). Who are they? (Now in place). A meeting was held at Arizona State University, Saturday, October 22, 1994 and a “Charter School Chronicle Resource List” was handed out to the participants. This paper lists both right-wing and left-wing political groups who are supporting Charter School. For example: the American Federation of Teachers (AFT); The National Education Association (NEA); Education Commission of the States (the ECS formed Regional Government and placed each state in a Federal Educational Laboratory); The Heritage Foundation: National Association of Charter Schools, Inc.; The Morrison Institute (on NASDC Design teams); Office of Senator Dave Durenberger; National Council of State Legislatures; Hudson Institute (NASDC’s Modern Red Schoolhouse with William Bennett (former Secretary of USDOE); Chester Finn, Jr. who is with the Edison Project and runs Charter schools for profit…now with the Fordham Institute who cranks out propaganda in support of privatizing public education ( Finn was formerly with USDOE); National Governors’ Association and others. (Ed. Note: Now the privateers, computer companies and vested interest hope to fire competent teachers and replace them with unproven computer software. This will be done through performance-based evaluations tied to student outcomes that have been manipulated for years to serve the vested interest of a few. The leadership of the two major teacher unions AFT and NEA has sold out to the enemies of the teachers and our most precious heritage, our children. While the leadership gives lip service to the hard-working teachers, taking their money through dues, our good, highest qualified teachers are being fired or put in holding-rooms and replaced with Teach For America non-qualified teachers – one can assume to plug the children into the computer). Part 2 |
Part 2
Public schools are being closed in communities where they are most needed. In Arizona, the teachers in Charter Schools do not have to be certified. Federal, and State laws and regulations have been waived to serve the new “choice” schools, but these are subjects not being addressed by the vested interest.) Back to the list. The Center on Education Reform is listed as a resource on the list. The contact person is Jeanne Allen, formerly with the Heritage Foundation. (Ed. Note: Jeanne Allen still heads this group and is now showing up at meetings sponsored by The Excellence Foundation, headed by former Governor of Florida, Jed Bush (brother to George W Bush, Jr.). They are now promoting “The Common Core Standards” and the performance-based test, aligned to the standards. The almost same identical legislation is appearing state by state and is in all probability written by the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) or The Council for Foreign Relations (CFR) who have now joined with the right political organizations trying to convince citizens that our country is in danger of collapse due to children not being trained for the global workforce). The conference at Arizona State University lists the following: The Board of Directors for The Center on Education Reform, listed as: William J Hume; G. Carl Ball; William J Bennett; John Chubb (Brooking Institute pushing Choice); Denis P. Doyle (on Design Team with Bennett); Pete du Pont (Hudson Institute); Chester E. Finn, Jr. (on the Modern Red Schoolhouse Design Team and the Edison Project and others). The Arizona Republic, our local newspaper noted: On Wednesday, July 20, 1994, the Republican Candidate for State Superintendent of Public Instruction for Arizona, Lisa Graham, attended a fund raising event for her in Washington, D. C. at the home of Grover G. Norquist. She is being touted as the author of the “landmark Arizona Charter School Choice Plan” and Charter School Legislation. The following persons along with others are listed on the invitation: Jeanne Allen; Congressman Dick Armey; Governor Pete du Pont; Jeff Flake (with the Goldwater Institute in Arizona, (now U. S. Senator from Arizona) working with the Morrison Institute to implement the plan). Sidney Hoff-Hay (with the Lincoln Caucus); Senator John McCain; Michael Sanera (Arizona Institute for Public Policy Research who hosted the Edison Project last year in Arizona—this institute and the Goldwater Institute are listed as Heritage Institute think-tanks. The Heritage Institute is established in 34 states, and Governor J. Fife Symington III. (Ed note: Lisa-Graham- now Keegan is closely associated with Charter Schools in Arizona and runs a company to train applicants. All living former State Superintendents of Public Instruction in Arizona are listed as now associated with charter schools. Their names may be checked on the web). Several members involved in restructuring education are members of the elite and secret Council for National Policy. This council does not make its membership list available to the public. It was formed (so they say) to counter the left Council on Foreign Relations, but some of the members belong to the CFR. This CNP’s membership includes the leadership of almost all conservative and Christian leadership groups. What is the motive? Could it be money? In an article written by David R. Sands, The Washington Times, April 12, 1988, titled “Powerful players get global bank off the ground.” Sands states: “Organizers will soon be announcing the final details for the long-delayed ambitious international finance bank with headquarters in the District of Columbia….Credit International, which will offer exclusive upscale private banking services and U. S. real estate financing for foreign investors in addition to its trade financing operations, …Credit International and its holding company, Credit International Banc Shares Ltd., feature a high-powered group of organizing directors, headed by bank Chairman, Richard V. Allen, former national security advisor for President Reagan….Other board members include Dr. Edwin Feulner, president and chief executive of the Heritage Foundation….” The Heritage Foundation has been promoting along with Willard W. Garvey (The Center for Privatization in Wichita, Kansas) privatizing government holdings. In a letter to President Ronald Reagan, April 6, 1984, Garvey states: “Privatization is now ‘an idea whose time has come’. The knowledge, communication, and computer industry can make political representatives obsolete”. (Emphasis added). Has it? The Heritage Foundation created the “Town-Hall-The Conservative Meeting Place” which has “Instant 24 Hour Communication and Interaction for Conservative Groups”, and it works with such groups as: “The Free Congress Foundation’s National Empowerment Television project; The Leadership Institute; Citizens Against Government Waste; Family Research Council; The State Policy Network of state-based think tanks; Intercollegiate Studies Institute and more”. (Heritage Publications 1993/1994, p. 12). Former Secretary of Education named a study group to evaluate national student assessments. Some of those named include: Lamar Alexander; Hillary Rodham Clinton; Linda Darling-Hammond; John C. Este, Jr. (president, National Association of Independent Schools) which was involved with forming Ted Sizer’s Coalition of Essential Schools – Sizer’s group was named Project: Relearning and has been approved by the Governors and The Education Commission of the States for restructuring. His Atlas Communities is also one of NASDC’s Design Teams; Bill Honig (former state superintendent of public instruction, Calf.) (Education Daily, May 15, 1986, p. 2). William Bennett also funded Mastery Learning projects while he was Secretary of USDOE. (Transforming American Education: Reducing the Risk To The Nation, A Report to the Secretary of Education United States Dept. of Education, The National Task Force on Educational Technology, April, 1986). (See my article “Our Children: The Drones” for further information on Mastery Learning; posted on NewsWithViews). In the same Education Daily edition listed above, it states: “Bennett includes ‘Character’ projects in diffusion network priorities.” (Ed. Note: Mastery Learning is based on behavioral psychology and both ML and Character educations programs raised an outrage from parents and many teachers, so the name was changed to Outcome Based Education to try and fool the public). The National Diffusion Network was established to promote government programs into the schools across America. The decline of public education can be traced directly to these programs. At no time, has any organization or group promoting Goals 2000 ever discussed the destructive behavior modification and inferior programs that have been used on teachers and students for more than three decades. I accuse the federal government, left and right wing foundations, and groups of deliberately trying to destroy public education in the United States. (Were these destructive programs deliberately created to help destroy public education so the profit motive” privateers” could take over and implement the global economy?) I accuse these same groups and persons of developing mind-bending destructive Sex Education, Character Education, Self-esteem, and Skinnerian Behavior Modification programs to destroy the culture and youth of our county. Why has this been done? So they may control and develop the “human resources” (the workers and the clones) to carry out their deceptive plan of total control not only of human resources but all resources in the world. These movers and shapers are outside the mainstream of American culture and political thought in this country, and most others where this one-world system is being implemented. Are some of the persons involved innocent victims of NTL change agents? Are some political and power hungry opportunists? Are some money hungry parasites that live off federal and foundation grants? Whatever the reason, this plan must be stopped immediately by the people. (The Common Core Standards is the final nail in the coffin. Obama’s Race To The Top was started decades ago). Every person has been given free-will to choose right from wrong. We are at the point in history where we must choose, and we must take a stand against this totalitarian plan which will lead not only the United States of America but other citizens of the world into slavery. (Ed. Note: The behavioral psychologist does not believe in free-will. They look upon mankind as a machine to be shaped and molded into whatever they desire. Children are now called “human capitol” and “human resources” to be trained in our schools for the planned global economy using behavioral psychology). Citizens must know the enemy, and the enemy is coming from both the right and left political and economic groups. The radical right and the radical left have met in mid-center. (Ed. Note: The following names are from my old article and list, but some remain and some have changed – the objectives remain the same). Chester Finn, Jr., obtained a federal grant to establish the Educational Excellence Network. In a recent publication by the Hudson Institute, it lists the membership in “A report by the Educational Excellence Network and its Education Policy Committee.” The Education Policy Committee members are: “Chester Finn, Jr., Diane Ravitch, Co-Chairs; Joseph Adelson, Professor of Psychology, University of Michigan; Lamar Alexander, Former U. S. Secretary of Education, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute; Jeanne Allen, President, Center for Education Reform, Leslye Arsht, President, Goals 2000 Coalition; Stephen H. Balch, President and Executive Director, National Association of Scholars. (Ed. Note: Diane Ravitch has since pulled out of the group and is working against the group on her blog and in her book, The Death and Life of the Great AMERICAN School System, c 2010. Many concerned educators and citizens are now found on the computer working in opposition to this plan). Back to the list. Jim Benchivenga, President, Hull Council for Business and Cultural Development; William J Bennett, Former U. S. Secretary of Education; Co-Director of Empower America; Clint Bolick, Vice President and Director of Litigation, Institute of Justice; Samuel Brunelli, Executive Director, American Legislative Exchange Council; Linda Chavez, John M. Olin Fellow, Center for the New American Community, Manhattan Institute; Saul Copperman, President, Ready Foundation (formerly with the Business Round-Table-ed). Ramon Cortines, Chancellor, New York City Public Schools; Edwin Delattre, Dean of the School of Education, Boston, University; John Fund, Editorial Page Writer, The Wall Street Journal; Nathan Glazer, Professor Education and Sociology Emeritus, Harvard University; Stephen Goldsmith, Mayor, Indianapolis, Indiana; Joan Grady, Senior Program Director, Mid-Continent Regional Educational Laboratory (Federal Lab. – ed). Bill Honig, Professor, School of Education, San Francisco State University ; Wade F. Horn, Director Chairman of the Board, Basic America, Inc.; David Kearns, Chairman, New American Schools Development Corporation (See Education for All above). Patrick J. Delcher, Jr. President, TEACH America; Leo Klagholz, Commissioner, New Jersey State Department of Education; Bryon S. Lamm, Executive Director, State Policy Network; Rick C. Lavis, former Co-Chairman, Arizona Business Leaders for Education (ABLE see above). Ron Melnick, Director, Morrison Institute for Public Policy, Arizona, (Morrison Institute on NASDC’s Design Team); William Moloney, Supt., Calvery Co., Public Schools, Maryland; John Murphy, Supt., Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, North Carolina. Grover Norquist, President, America for Tax Reform (see fund raising event for Lisa Graham, Arizona, above.) ;Joseph Murphy, Dept. and Chair of Education, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN; Paul H. O’Neill, Chairman and CEO, Aluminum Co. of America; Lawrence C. Patrick, Jr., Member of the Detroit Board of Education: Partner, Jaffe, Raitt, Heuer and Weisll; Mitchell B. Pearlstein, President, Center of the American Experiment; Elizabeth Rohatyn, Vice President, Felix and Elizabeth Rohatyn Foundation; Ted Sanders, Supt. Of Public Instruction, state of Ohio; Bret Schundler, Mayor, Jersey City, NJ; Donald M Stewart, President, The College Board; Abigail Thernstrom, Adjunct Professor, School of Education, Boston, University; Herbert J. Walberg, Research Professor of Education, University at Chicago; Robert L.Woodson, President, National Center for Neighborhood Enterprise. Three persons did not concur with the substance of this report: Leslye Arsht, Donald M. Stewart and Bill Honig. (Emphasis added – ed). In the Teachers’ Guide, Feb., 1993 for Whittle Educational Network News and Programming, i. e. Channel I (Connected with Edison Project) – listed for Friday, Feb. 26 “The Educators’ Channel” titled And Learning For All: National Town Meeting of Education, (Program source: Pacific Mountain Network, with underwriting provided by the U. S. Department of Education’s Office of Educational Research and Improvement, and by United Airlines, p. 15). In their Teachers’ Guide, Dec. 1992, p. 7, they list as “Partners in the “….And Learning for All” project include Pacific Mountain Regional Educational Laboratory, Western Cooperative for Educational Telecommunications, PBS station KRMA-TV, Mind Extension University, Colorado 2000 Communities, and the National School Public Relations Association.” While good parents and American citizens are stripped of their salaries with high government taxation, and plead with their representatives and school officials not to implement Outcome Based Education (which is the systematic control system being used to change everything in our country), the federal government promotes its destructive plan through private groups like Whittle and others. The American people are being asked to pay for their own destruction and it is coming from the now radical center of both major political parties. |
During her teaching career, Ann taught all grade levels, (K-College in reading) as well as all ability level students including gifted, and non-English speaking. In 1982, she was the Republican candidate for State Superintendent of Public Instruction for Arizona; ran again in 1986, the primary purpose was to expose the experimental programs being used on teachers and children, especially ECRI (Exemplary Center for Reading Instruction) and others. She pushed for a Congressional investigation on ECRI and other programs, but it never happened. People contacted her regarding ECRI and the harmful effects on children who were having difficult problems due to the stress from ECRI. All of this went to Congress and the DOE. The DOE lied about the method and denied that children were timed with stopwatches even after Ann sent them documented pod materials from their manuals. A large effort has been made to cover up ECRI and other similar programs destroying our children.
Ann’s education research articles have been published in the Wisconsin Report, Charlotte Iserbyt’s books; The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, and Back to Basics Reform, the Barbara Morris Report, and countless newspapers and magazines. She also contributed data to Rev. James Patrick’s “Research Manual, America 2000/Goals 2000 – Moving the Nation Educationally to a ‘New World Order’.”
At the request of concerned parents, Ann spoke in several states against America and Goals 2000 and helped organize the Southwestern USA to work against the Soviet/Carnegie/American agreement… through the “National Citizen’s Alliance.” She is a member of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution with eight proven Revolutionary Patriots, one of whom served at Valley Forge with Gen. Geo. Washington. Ann continues to do research exposing the destruction of our once excellent academic education.
Ann’s education research articles have been published in the Wisconsin Report, Charlotte Iserbyt’s books; The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, and Back to Basics Reform, the Barbara Morris Report, and countless newspapers and magazines. She also contributed data to Rev. James Patrick’s “Research Manual, America 2000/Goals 2000 – Moving the Nation Educationally to a ‘New World Order’.”
At the request of concerned parents, Ann spoke in several states against America and Goals 2000 and helped organize the Southwestern USA to work against the Soviet/Carnegie/American agreement… through the “National Citizen’s Alliance.” She is a member of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution with eight proven Revolutionary Patriots, one of whom served at Valley Forge with Gen. Geo. Washington. Ann continues to do research exposing the destruction of our once excellent academic education.